Saturday, September 29, 2012
Quiet Time
I did something very rare today. I just let the day just go and whatever happened, happened. At first, I was planning to relax, then I wanted to go outside, then I wanted to clean. I had looked at the clock around 10:00 AM and didn't look at it again until it was beginning to get dark. I did run to work for a few minutes to print out one last thing for church tomorrow. I tend to have that one thing that pops into my head that I still need to do. When I came home I sat down, lit a candle and just spent my entire day reading my Bible. It turned into the perfect day. The way I wish I could spend everyday. I start my day daily reading the Word but I'm usually looking at the clock and have multiple interruptions with everyone in the house getting their day ready.
This day was different. I just read through and just completely absorbed it all in. It's such a wonderful feeling to feel Christ's presence. It's especially wonderful when you knew what it was like to not feel it. I went too many years to know what that feeling was like. So when I have days like today it gives me great peace to just rest in Him.
I stare into the candle and think about how my life used to be before I used to read the Word, before I received Christ. I didn't have a bad life before I received Christ. I was blessed with a wonderful family who taught me all about Jesus. But I made that decision not to read the Bible and go too "deep" into my faith. I made some bad decisions when I hit adulthood. Things I wasn't exactly proud of..I definitely wouldn't share with my children. That all changed when I finally opened my eyes and let Christ set me free.
Last week, during testimony time during church we were thanking God for those who serve in the children's ministry and I was fighting the Holy Spirit to stand up and give a testimony. When Pastor announced the last one and it was done and over with, his son Micah was walking away with the microphone and my hand went up flying up in the was too late to turn back now! I (shaking) was thanking God for what the children's ministry did for me. When I first started attending my church I never read the Bible, just bits and pieces here and there. I had started a Sunday School class a week later and for the first time had to find things in the Bible to do my study. I explained to the congregation how easy it is for us but for those who don't know how to read the Bible it can be pretty hard to figure out. My then 9 year old daughter, who was already two weeks into the Awana program and Sunday School, had to show me how to use the Bible. What a wonderful blessing to have my own child teach me how to read God's Word.
Those ladies who took the time to show my child how to the read the Bible did something amazing for my family that day. A week later, my daughter showed me how to read the Bible and 4 months later I was teaching my husband how to read the Bible. That following September I jumped right into Awana's myself knowing what Christ can do for a family and I too can be part of His work. My life was forever changed when I opened His word. The blessings just poured along with it.
I spent this afternoon reflecting and thanking Him over and over again for this wonderful gift called grace that He's given me. I didn't get outside today or lay around on the couch either. No cleaning was done but God had me right there where he wanted me. Quiet. In His word. In His grace. In Him.
Colossians 3:1-2
Since, then you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds above, not on earthly things.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Trouble with time
Then it's a race to get a load of laundry in because there isn't one clean towel in the house. Now it's time to get the boy back inside so I can check his homework. He's not happy with me because I make him come inside. Feet are stomping and arms are crossing. Somehow, now I have a punished child. Now I have to hurry and get the water boiling for the egg noodles as I'm steaming. I look at the time and it's now an hour later. I rushed so fast to get this meal complete and it's almost 7:00.
My daughter sets the table, of course always just 3 spots since my husband doesn't get home until 8:30 at night. I'm feeling a little sad and thinking how much I miss us having a meal together after work. As my daughter gets the last of the silverware on the table I see my husband pull up in the driveway. Both kids yell in excitement "Dad's home"! Mikey is thrilled that he gets to eat dinner with his dad....all because we ate dinner so late. I was so worried about us eating this late and here God had the timing perfectly lined up. We said grace together and especially thanked God for having Mike home with us for dinner. I was so glad that I didn't just throw something in that would cook fast. Instead we were able to enjoy a delicious meal together. We sat at the dinner table for over an hour just talking about our day. I didn't even care that it was almost 8:30 and dishes had to be washed or kids had to be clean. We were able to talk about the sermon that we heard in church this past Sunday. It was the perfect night. The windows were open and the crickets were chirping. For the first time all day, I didn't care what the clock said. I was just so thankful for this special little gift of time with my loves.
Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Crock pots and Clutter
To make things easier for myself I decided to use the crock pot today so I didn't have to worry about cooking dinner after the demolition began. So I first started with the two drawers in my bakers rack...the smallest drawers in the house and the ones that have been cleaned out not too long ago. I usually keep bills, pay stubs and coupons in these drawers so it was really a simple clean out. I really have no clue why I have to hold onto a gas bill from 2011? I always feel like I have to hold onto them incase I need my account information because there are probably 100 people with the same name as me living in the same town. Then on to all the many coupons from last year. We have to hold on to expired coupons so that we can never use them. Then I sit there and wonder why I didn't use these coupons and start adding in my head how much I could of saved. Then I pull out half filled out notebooks. I realize I have 4 unfinished notebooks sitting here. Of course this takes me about a half an hour because I have to read everything in it. I've counted quite a few calories in the past year and have taken down phone numbers of people with no name. It was time to get rid of the unorganized mess. I filled up a brown paper bag pretty fast.
Then I turned around and looked at cabinets that made me want to get this exact house. I had such hope for these cabinets!
I decided when I moved here that I would no longer be a basket person. I'd have about 5 different baskets full of everything that could fit into it. These cabinets became my BIG basket. From electronics to the little trinkets that you think you need to hold onto because it may go to that thing that you think may be up in the closet in your room. Then I get pulling out all the school papers. I think I had every single paper given to me from last year put into this closet. I was literally pulling out a live calendar. Back to school night papers, school picture order forms, Christmas Concerts, progress reports, Christmas store letters and lots of completed homework papers. I cannot believe I held onto all of this.
This is when the guilt started to pop in. There were times when I said to my son "you really need to tell mommy when you have book orders or school concerts because with my busy work schedule I need to know ahead of time". How many times did the kids hand me papers and I left it on the table and then tried to rush around to clean up and the paper just got stuffed into the cabinet. I wonder how many times I lost my temper with them over something that was completely my fault. This cabinet clean out turned into something even bigger than I thought. There were lunch calendars probably from every month of the year...I never even looked to see what they were having for lunch this year? So I eventually got all the papers thrown into the trash but then I sat there and just thought about how I just let this past school year rush before me. I hurried and checked homework papers, signed papers as they were walking out the door, hoped they had enough lunch money while I was at work. I just sat there on the hardwood floor feeling like a complete failure. With that I bowed my head and just went right to the Lord and asked Him for his forgiveness. After being in prayer for quite awhile I felt a little better. This gave me a new hope for this school year. I'm excited to get a new system started with their new school papers so I can juggle my worklife and my homelife all at the same time.
Meanwhile, my dinner was almost done and I treated my kids to their favorite, cornbread and brownies. So, in one day I accomplished a few things: organization, preparation, learned how to throw things away and most important going right to God to clean me out. So at the end of the day I feel so much better that I was able to serve my family with a great meal and at the same time clean something that needed to be cleaned for a long time and I'm not talking about my cabinets. The guilt of not putting my children as a top priority this past year is gone. I'm looking forward to being handed that first school paper and seeing what God has in store for me this year.
Monday, September 3, 2012
A Cup of Joy
Yesterday was one of those days that I wish could happen more often. It started out with packing up my coffee maker and bringing it with me to Sunday School to share with my friends. We had a wonderful breakfast together celebrating the ending of our study while we shared what God has done for us this summer. Those ladies have no clue what they do to my heart.
When Sunday School was finished I went downstairs to see my mom and dad sitting there in church with my husband. After giving hugs and kisses I turn around there is my cousin walking up to me to say hello. It's a true blessing when I get to share my time with both my church family and my family. Our little boys love each other and I just love every moment of it. With our busy lives we really don't get to share our lives together but because of God, He's arranging time for those boys to be together. At the end of the service, my son asks if they can come over. That very second, my mind flashed to all the dishes on the counter, the bags of groceries still sitting on the kitchen table, I was pretty sure there were pretzel crumbs still on the floor from two nights before. It was an ending of a very busy week. Something came over me, normally I would have said "maybe another day" knowing I'd be extremely embarrassed from the mess but instead I said yes. So here we are an hour later sitting at my dining room table laughing and enjoying each other while drinking our's drinking tea. The mess was still there and a couple times I just had to shrug off that feeling and remember how much joy it was to just be with them.
After my company left, I found myself on the couch with the cat and dog cuddled up together sound asleep. My husband was on one end of the couch and I on the other end both falling asleep. I actually took a nap. Then my son woke me up thrilled that his friend down the street was allowed to come over. I was so happy for him because it's not very often that his friends come knocking for him. Of course at that second, I thought about the mess that was in the boy's room. I shrugged it off and just accepted that the mess was going to be there while he enjoyed his time with his friend.
Later on that evening when his friend went home, we took a walk down the street together. When coming back I realized that my neighbor called. I called her back and just right on the spot asked her to join me on my porch...knowing there was a mess still left in the kitchen and dinner was still to be made. We talked about getting together on our porches all Summer and never did it.
We sat together drinking our coffee and sharing what God has been doing for us all Summer. It felt so good to be in the company of a friend. The two of us had dinner on my porch and we laughed, talked and shed tears that we both tried to hide. The both of us have so many things in common but there is one thing we really have in common, our love for Jesus and I think we both know that's something really special between us. I let time and messes separate me from being with her and I can't take the Summer back. I let the mess go and this was the perfect way to end a perfect day.
As a new season approaches us and life gets even more busier with school days, I'm going to use yesterday as a great reminder to stop putting things off. Stop saying no because of a few silly dishes and start saying yes. The messes will always be there but the moments here on this earth will slip away with time and I won't even even realize how much I've missed out on those blessings. So in the midst of my busy life I will make it my goal to always have at least two clean cups ready to share my time with whoever God will put in my path.
When Sunday School was finished I went downstairs to see my mom and dad sitting there in church with my husband. After giving hugs and kisses I turn around there is my cousin walking up to me to say hello. It's a true blessing when I get to share my time with both my church family and my family. Our little boys love each other and I just love every moment of it. With our busy lives we really don't get to share our lives together but because of God, He's arranging time for those boys to be together. At the end of the service, my son asks if they can come over. That very second, my mind flashed to all the dishes on the counter, the bags of groceries still sitting on the kitchen table, I was pretty sure there were pretzel crumbs still on the floor from two nights before. It was an ending of a very busy week. Something came over me, normally I would have said "maybe another day" knowing I'd be extremely embarrassed from the mess but instead I said yes. So here we are an hour later sitting at my dining room table laughing and enjoying each other while drinking our's drinking tea. The mess was still there and a couple times I just had to shrug off that feeling and remember how much joy it was to just be with them.
After my company left, I found myself on the couch with the cat and dog cuddled up together sound asleep. My husband was on one end of the couch and I on the other end both falling asleep. I actually took a nap. Then my son woke me up thrilled that his friend down the street was allowed to come over. I was so happy for him because it's not very often that his friends come knocking for him. Of course at that second, I thought about the mess that was in the boy's room. I shrugged it off and just accepted that the mess was going to be there while he enjoyed his time with his friend.
Later on that evening when his friend went home, we took a walk down the street together. When coming back I realized that my neighbor called. I called her back and just right on the spot asked her to join me on my porch...knowing there was a mess still left in the kitchen and dinner was still to be made. We talked about getting together on our porches all Summer and never did it.
We sat together drinking our coffee and sharing what God has been doing for us all Summer. It felt so good to be in the company of a friend. The two of us had dinner on my porch and we laughed, talked and shed tears that we both tried to hide. The both of us have so many things in common but there is one thing we really have in common, our love for Jesus and I think we both know that's something really special between us. I let time and messes separate me from being with her and I can't take the Summer back. I let the mess go and this was the perfect way to end a perfect day.
As a new season approaches us and life gets even more busier with school days, I'm going to use yesterday as a great reminder to stop putting things off. Stop saying no because of a few silly dishes and start saying yes. The messes will always be there but the moments here on this earth will slip away with time and I won't even even realize how much I've missed out on those blessings. So in the midst of my busy life I will make it my goal to always have at least two clean cups ready to share my time with whoever God will put in my path.
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