Saturday, August 3, 2013


So far, I got myself out of bed early 4 times this week to go walking with my friend Jean.  We walked almost 2.5 miles each day for almost an hour and I'm practically leaping each day with excitement that I'm finally moving again.  I've been so tired and emotional for the past 4 months with all my health issues so I thought this week would NEVER come.  I have been praying for change and revival for so long and I really feel God answering my prayers.  Two weeks ago, my pastor preached on Philippians 3:12, Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.  Though I have read this verse so many times it didn't really grab hold of me until now.  I have used Philippians 3:14 so many times in my walk, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.  With feeling so lousy because of my health I really felt it in my spiritual life too.  Though I have been in prayer and in the Word I still felt stale.  Hearing the last 6 words of that verse is what really made me click "Christ took hold of me".  So many times when I struggled with things I would recite Philippians 3:14.  I've always been going "toward the goal" but truth is I usually, like all human beings, I find myself tripping over something and stumbling.  But...there is hope!  Christ has already taken hold of me!  He is there beside me, though sometimes he will let go of my hand to help me grow, he's always right there to help me back up; cleans the wounds, brushes the dirt off and sends me back running.  I don't find it a coincidence that the week my pastor preached this I prayed fervently for him to truly receive God's power to preach boldly to us.  So many other church members stopped into the office and gave praise for his great message.  God is at work in so many of us!

I was blessed beyond blessed this week to have my boss/pastor approach me about using my vacation time while it's slow.  He knows far too well how stubborn I am and won't use the two weeks again like I didn't use last year.  I was quite stubborn for a while grabbing my planner and telling him that "this and that" need to be done on such and such date.  He just kept pushing how important it is to refresh. Finally I said to him "Why am I arguing with you about taking a vacation?"  He laughed and said "I don't know!"  I think all church secretaries must think the church can't survive without them...and sometimes we need a good bop in the head too!  So starting on the 12th I'll be taking off for two weeks.  I'm looking forward to this time to refresh and spend time with the kids before the hustle and bustle of sending them off to school.  God is so good!


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